Cute Studies portal
A hub connecting research and resources on cute and kawaii culture
Integrating research from the humanities and the sciences
My new book Irresistible: How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World, is available here
Cute Studies video
This video explains the new field of Cute Studies and presents the results of my research.
Joshua Paul Dale, Ph.D. explains:
Why is cuteness important?
The ability to feel cuteness has been with us from the beginning, driving human evolution. Moreover, decades of scientific research reveal that exposure to cuteness gives practical benefits to the mind and body. Cuteness primes your brain for fun, makes you more social, heightens empathy, increases motivation to perform household tasks; and improves physical and mental performance.
Why study cuteness?
The Cute Studies project
Cuteness is everywhere in today’s interconnected world. We tweet strings of emojis and google on our Apples. Cats rule the Internet, and the Pokémon franchise is more profitable than Star Wars—even after the arrival of baby Yoda. Yet too often the cute flies under our radar, overlooked and understudied.
Recent posts from the “Explore” section. Discover more about the cute and kawaii aesthetics.